David V. Braitman, MD
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Employed Provider
4.9 out of 5 stars
(38 ratings)
Accepting New Patients
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About Me
Dr. David V. Braitman specializes in Child Psychiatry and Behavioral Health for Riley Developmental Medicine.
Dr. Braitman currently has a rating of 4.9 stars out of 5.
Dr. Braitman's office is at Riley Developmental Medicine, 1002 Wishard Blvd, Indianapolis, IN 46202.

1002 Wishard Blvd
Suite 2120
Indianapolis, IN, 46202
Get Directions 317.944.4846Specialties & Details
- Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
- Riley Physicians
- IU Health Medical Group
Ratings & Reviews
Overall Provider Rating
4.9 out of 5 stars
(38 ratings)
Patients' feedback on the following attributes:
Time Spent With Patient
Make it Easy
It is always a pleasant experience. We feel listened to and respected.
Braitman is a fabulous provider
Dr. Braitman is wonderful. He always listens to my daughter's concerns and mine as well. He is always friendly and professional.
We love Dr Braitman!
Dr. Braitman is the best psychiatrist we've ever worked with. He's patient and kind. He really listens to our daughter.
Insurance Accepted
Note: Although this listing was accurate at the time of posting, insurances change regularly, and insurance plans listed may not be accepted at all office locations for this provider. Please confirm with your insurance company that this provider is covered by your plan before your appointment.
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