Jay J. Jin, MD, PhD - Pediatrics - Allergy & Immunology

Jay J. Jin, MD, PhD

Pediatrics, Allergy & Immunology

Employed Provider

4.8 out of 5 stars

(201 ratings)

Accepting New Patients

Dr. Jay J. Jin specializes in Pulmonology & Respiratory Care for Riley Pediatric Pulmonology & Respiratory Care. Dr. Jin earned his medical degree from Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine. He also completed a residency and fellowship at Mayo Clinic and Rochester, MN.

Dr. Jin currently has a rating of 4.8 stars out of 5 with over 200 ratings. Patients say that he is gentle, intelligent, and approachable.

Dr. Jin's primary location is Riley Pediatric Pulmonology & Respiratory Care, 575 Riley Hospital Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46202. He also sees patients at an office in Carmel.

  • Pediatrics
  • Allergy & Immunology
  • School of Medicine: Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine
  • Residency: Mayo Clinic; Rochester, MN
  • Fellowship: Mayo Clinic; Rochester, MN
Hospitals & Affiliations
  • IU Health Methodist Hospital
  • IU Health North Hospital
  • Riley Physicians
  • IU Health Medical Group