Kathleen M. Overholt, MD - Pediatric Hematology - Oncology

Kathleen M. Overholt, MD

Pediatric Hematology - Oncology

Employed Provider

4.8 out of 5 stars

(36 ratings)

Accepting New Patients

Dr. Kathleen M. Overholt earned her undergraduate degree at the University of New Mexico before earning her medical degree at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. She then completed a residency at Brenner Children's hospital and a residency at Wake Forest Baptist Hospital.

Dr. Overholt currently has a rating of 4.8 stars out of 5.

Dr. Overholt's primary location is Riley Pediatric Cancer & Blood Disorders, 575 Riley Hospital Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46202. She also sees patients at an office in Carmel.

Riley Pediatric Cancer & Blood Disorders photo Riley Pediatric Cancer & Blood Disorders

575 Riley Hospital Dr

Hematology/Oncology MSA

Indianapolis, IN, 46202

Get Directions 317.944.2143
  • Pediatric Hematology - Oncology
  • Undergraduate: University of New Mexico
  • School of Medicine: University of New Mexico School of Medicine
  • Residency: Brenner Children's hospital
  • Residency: Wake Forest Baptist Hospital
Hospitals & Affiliations
  • IU Health North Hospital
  • Riley Physicians
  • IU Health Medical Group

Note: Although this listing was accurate at the time of posting, insurances change regularly, and insurance plans listed may not be accepted at all office locations for this provider. Please confirm with your insurance company that this provider is covered by your plan before your appointment.

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A Trial Comparing Unrelated Donor BMT With IST for Pediatric and Young Adult Patients With Severe Aplastic Anemia (TransIT, BMT CTN 2202)

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