Nurcicek Padem, MD
Allergy & Immunology, Pediatrics
Employed Provider
4.6 out of 5 stars
(94 ratings)
Accepting New Patients
On This Page
About Me
Dr. Nurcicek Padem specializes in Allergy & Asthma for Riley Allergy & Asthma.
Dr. Padem currently has a rating of 4.6 stars out of 5 with over 50 ratings. Patients say that she is cheerful, pleasant, and informative.
Dr. Padem's primary location is Riley Allergy & Asthma, 575 Riley Hospital Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46202. She also sees patients at an office in Carmel.

575 Riley Hospital Dr
Suite 2300
Indianapolis, IN, 46202
Get Directions 317.948.7208
11725 N. Illinois St.
Suite 450
Carmel, IN, 46032
Get Directions 317.948.7208Specialties & Details
- Allergy & Immunology
- Pediatrics
- IU Health North Hospital
- Riley Physicians
- IU Health Medical Group
Ratings & Reviews
Overall Provider Rating
4.6 out of 5 stars
(94 ratings)
Patients' feedback on the following attributes:
Time Spent With Patient
Make it Easy
All of our options were discussed with us at length. The results of tests were also discussed in a way that was easy to understand
Very happy with her details and answering all of our quesitos
Seemed turned off by this patient
It was a good and smooth experience.
Great establishment and respectful employees
Insurance Accepted
Note: Although this listing was accurate at the time of posting, insurances change regularly, and insurance plans listed may not be accepted at all office locations for this provider. Please confirm with your insurance company that this provider is covered by your plan before your appointment.
Doctors at This Location
Pediatric Pulmonary
4.9 out of 5 stars
(53 ratings)
Accepting New Patients
Pediatric Pulmonary
4.8 out of 5 stars
(70 ratings)
Accepting New Patients