Robert M. de las Alas, DO - Family Medicine

Robert M. de las Alas, DO

Family Medicine

Employed Provider

4.8 out of 5 stars

(675 ratings)

Accepting New Patients

Offers Virtual Visits


Practicing medicine for more than 15 years, Dr. de las Alas enjoys getting to know his patients over the course of their lives. He places emphasis on preventive care and is interested in helping his patients stay healthy. During his spare time, Dr. de las Alas participates in mission trips and likes to play the guitar and violin. He is also a runner and swimmer.

IU Health Primary Care - Brownsburg photo IU Health Primary Care - Brownsburg

1375 N. Green St.

Suite 100

Brownsburg, IN, 46112

Get Directions 317.852.2251
  • Family Medicine
  • School of Medicine: Des Moines University and Osteopathic Medical Center
  • Internship: Indiana University Medical Center; IU Health Methodist Hospital
  • Residency: Indiana University Medical Center; Methodist Hospital
Hospitals & Affiliations
  • IU Health Medical Group
  • Riley Physicians

Overall Provider Rating

4.8 out of 5 stars

(675 ratings)

Patients' feedback on the following attributes:


Time Spent With Patient


Make it Easy


Sort 144 Comments By:


Fantastic all around.


Dr DeLaSalas very throughout


I was concerned about switching from community health services to I. U. And felt at ease from the beginning.


Staff request extra tests and appointments to ensure my care is monitored


Not a lot of time spent waiting.

Note: Although this listing was accurate at the time of posting, insurances change regularly, and insurance plans listed may not be accepted at all office locations for this provider. Please confirm with your insurance company that this provider is covered by your plan before your appointment.

Kimberly A. Casteel, NP

Family Medicine

4.8 out of 5 stars

(419 ratings)

Accepting New Patients

Andrew S. Van Velsor, MD

Family Medicine

4.8 out of 5 stars

(172 ratings)

Accepting New Patients

Kimberley L. Yasmine, DO

Family Medicine

4.8 out of 5 stars

(437 ratings)

Accepting New Patients

April E. Gandionco, MD

Family Medicine

4.7 out of 5 stars

(405 ratings)

Accepting New Patients

Emily E. Murphy, NP

Family Medicine

4.7 out of 5 stars

(270 ratings)

Accepting New Patients

Kristen D. Davis-Skaggs, MD

Family Medicine

4.9 out of 5 stars

(576 ratings)