Shannon S. Dillon, MD - Pediatrics

Shannon S. Dillon, MD


Employed Provider

4.6 out of 5 stars

(166 ratings)

Accepting New Patients

Offers Virtual Visits


Dr. Shannon S. Dillon specializes in Pediatrics for IU Health Primary Care - Indianapolis. Dr. Dillon earned her medical degree from the University of Michigan Medical School. She also completed an internship at Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies.

Dr. Dillon currently has a rating of 4.6 stars out of 5 with over 150 ratings. Patients say that she is gentle, accurate, and informative.

Dr. Dillon's primary location is IU Health Primary Care - Indianapolis, 2625 E. 62nd St., Indianapolis, IN 46220. She also sees patients at an office in Zionsville.

IU Health Primary Care - Indianapolis photo IU Health Primary Care - Indianapolis

2625 E. 62nd St.

Suite 2010

Indianapolis, IN, 46220

Get Directions 317.251.6121
IU Health Primary Care - Zionsville photo IU Health Primary Care - Zionsville

6866 W. Stonegate Drive

Suite 100

Zionsville, IN, 46077

Get Directions 317.768.6000
  • Pediatrics
  • School of Medicine: University of Michigan Medical School
  • Internship: Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies
Hospitals & Affiliations
  • Riley Physicians
  • IU Health Medical Group
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