Zachary R. Johnson, MD
Family Medicine
Employed Provider
4.6 out of 5 stars
(321 ratings)
Accepting New Patients
Offers Virtual Visits
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About Me
Dr. Zachary R. Johnson specializes in Family Medicine for IU Health Primary Care - Indianapolis. Dr. Johnson earned his undergraduate degree at The Ohio State University. He then earned his medical degree from Marshall University School of Medicine.
Dr. Johnson currently has a rating of 4.6 stars out of 5 with over 300 ratings. Patients say that he is approachable, exceptional, and has a great staff.
Dr. Johnson's office is at IU Health Primary Care - Indianapolis, 550 North University Blvd, Indianapolis, IN 46202.

550 N University Blvd
Suite 3500
Indianapolis, IN, 46202
Get Directions 317.944.2167Specialties & Details
- Family Medicine
- Undergraduate: The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
- School of Medicine: Marshall University School of Medicine, Huntington, WV
- IU Health University Hospital
- Riley Physicians
- IU Health Medical Group
Ratings & Reviews
Overall Provider Rating
4.6 out of 5 stars
(321 ratings)
Patients' feedback on the following attributes:
Time Spent With Patient
Make it Easy
He was nice, caring, and actually spent time to listen and come up with ideas to help.
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His professionalism
No available meds
I was satisfied