Riley Pediatric Cardiology
4.7 out of 5 stars
(153 ratings)
Riley Children's Health Medical Office
415 E Cook Rd, Suite 300
Fort Wayne, IN 46825
Opens at 8 am Monday
Services Offered
Our pediatric cardiology team provides new patient consults and follow-up visits in Fort Wayne. In addition, we are able to perform EKGs in the office, offering a level of convenience to local families. Able to care for the most common to the most complex, our cardiologists have a technical competence that is coupled with traits that cannot be taught: genuine interest and compassion for the patients and families they serve. Learn more about Cardiology services at Riley Children’s Health.
- Echocardiogram
- Fetal Echocardiogram
- Pacemaker Placement
Free Surface Parking
Free surface parking is available outside the building.
Doctors At This Location
Forms & Resources
Pediatric Cardiology provides the following forms for parents, healthcare providers and personnel. We have also curated relevant resources from other websites and provided links with brief descriptions of the information that is available.
Authorization to Release Medical Records
Complete this form when you’d like for medical records to be released to another entity.
Consentimiento General (Español)
Se le pedirá que revise y firme este consentimiento para recibir atención de nuestros médicos y personal.
Consentimiento Para Comunicaciones Preferidas (Español)
Complete este formulario para permitir que familiares y amigos puede recibair información sobre su salud.
You will be asked to review and sign this consent to receive care from our physicians and staff.
Preferred Communication List (English)
Complete this form to allow family and friends to receive information regarding your health.
Programs & Departments
We provide multispecialty care for a number of conditions. Below are links to our related programs & departments.