Maham Fatima, MD
Employed Provider
4.7 out of 5 stars
(82 ratings)
Accepting New Patients
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About Me
Dr. Maham Fatima specializes in Pediatrics for Riley Pediatric Primary Care - Indianapolis.
Dr. Fatima currently has a rating of 4.7 stars out of 5 with over 50 ratings. Patients say that she is timely, patient, and approachable.
Dr. Fatima's office is at Riley Pediatric Primary Care - Indianapolis, 1002 Wishard Blvd, Indianapolis, IN 46202.

1002 Wishard Blvd
Suite 2001
Indianapolis, IN, 46202
Get Directions 317.944.2801Specialties & Details
- Pediatrics
- Riley Physicians
- IU Health Medical Group
Ratings & Reviews
Overall Provider Rating
4.7 out of 5 stars
(82 ratings)
Patients' feedback on the following attributes:
Time Spent With Patient
Make it Easy
I like her personality
La atención de IU Health siempre es muy buena
The provider focused on their list of questions instead of our concerns. The provider focused on the most extreme possibility vs attempting to rule out the other options first.
I was relieved and thankful for the good care of my son.
Excellent services